Time for the dental implants to get healed vary from person to person. Generally, dental implants require 2-4 months for the bone to heal. However, good oral hygiene should be practiced for ensuring proper fusion of dental implant with jawbone. This article contains some guidelines that will help you in understanding the process of recovery following dental implant surgery.
Phase 1
After the initial surgery, you need to pay some extra attention to your mouth. If the dental implants are placed with or without bone grafting, there will be little pain and swelling. Therefore, the felt following dental implant surgery but can be subsided by taking sedatives or painkillers. Dental professional suggests you to rest for at least 24 hours after the implant procedure. A liquid diet or soft food should be taken until the dentist asks you to switch on to the normal diet.
Phase 2
The placement of implant surgery requires few months to get healed and fuse with jawbone. A temporary dental crown is fixed during this recovery period to give a complete look to your smile. Make sure that you do not apply excess force like clenching or grinding that can make your implant weak or even fractured.
If the discomfort is unusual and prolonged, it is better to contact the dentist immediately. The patient’s lifestyle can hugely impact the recovery process like patients who suffer from immune diseases like diabetes, hypertension and the patient who drink and smoke and lack of maintaining oral hygiene.
Phase 1
After the initial surgery, you need to pay some extra attention to your mouth. If the dental implants are placed with or without bone grafting, there will be little pain and swelling. Therefore, the felt following dental implant surgery but can be subsided by taking sedatives or painkillers. Dental professional suggests you to rest for at least 24 hours after the implant procedure. A liquid diet or soft food should be taken until the dentist asks you to switch on to the normal diet.
Phase 2
The placement of implant surgery requires few months to get healed and fuse with jawbone. A temporary dental crown is fixed during this recovery period to give a complete look to your smile. Make sure that you do not apply excess force like clenching or grinding that can make your implant weak or even fractured.
If the discomfort is unusual and prolonged, it is better to contact the dentist immediately. The patient’s lifestyle can hugely impact the recovery process like patients who suffer from immune diseases like diabetes, hypertension and the patient who drink and smoke and lack of maintaining oral hygiene.