Monday, March 15, 2010

What Are Performance Enhancement Drugs?

Performance enhancing drugs are substances consumed to boost a particular skill-set. These substances mostly include steroids (by professional athletes) and substances to enhance performance consisting of human growth hormones.

Most performance enhancing drugs are used orally as pills, but some are injected intravenously (within vein), or used in powder form combined with health shakes. Performance enhancing drugs are used for a many reasons, like lessening the pain reaction in the body, building muscle at an increased rate, decreasing weight, reducing stress, and concealing other drugs which are present in the body. Various drugs are used to achieve these purposes.

The most prevailing performance enhancing drugs for building muscle mass are anabolic steroids. It is an artificial hormone which increases many physiological functions like appetite, bone growth, and protein synthesis, which in turn help in the rapid development of muscle tissue. Anabolic steroids have a many side-effects like deepening of the voice, increased levels of hair growth.

Today, the use of pharmaceutical enhancement drugs in the musical world has started acquiring some attention. The trouble of heavy stress influencing performance (generally called stage fright) disturbs performers of all levels. The intake of a synthetic, Inderal, before doing musical pieces has led to controversy regarding ethical concerns.

Severe diuretics, (raise the frequency of urination), are also used illegally in several sports to artificially increase the loss of weight. The use of more diuretics will be very much disturbing.

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