Thursday, December 31, 2009

Factors Affecting Health Insurance

The costs of health insurance policy premiums are affected by two major factors. The main factor is one's personal health or family health history or past. The second major factor that influences one's health insurance policy premium is age.

Personal health and family health history is a major factor when determining health insurance premiums. It is affected by high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other serious health risks. In determining health insurance policy premiums between two individuals (one 18 years old and the other 60 years old) with the same health and health history show that the 60 year old will always have higher health insurance premiums.

One's health and family history is not always controllable as they are not predictable. Some diseases are hereditary and perfect health, which matches affordable health insurance policies, may not possible. So, be in the best health, then your body or family history allows you to buy health insurance that provides good benefits and is easily affordable.

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