Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Introduction to the Google Trike

A cycle with a pedal and three wheels along with an ice-cream cart looking equipment at its back. This is what a typical Google Trike looks like – but is enabling millions of people to explore the streets at the click of their mouse from their PC.

As we all know about Google’s street viewer. It was hard for Google to explore certain streets or areas, especially in Europe. There may be many issues, but I am not going into all those in this post. In order to explore those streets, Google has invented this tricycle.

Now you can watch even the narrowest street in Google Map’s street view (unless Google hasn’t mapped it out yet). Thanks to Daniel Ratner, the Senior Mechanical Engineer of Google team who came up with this idea.

Its really astonishing to see how a 250-pound tricycle with a portable camera equipment and computer hardware can help us so much!

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