Monday, April 9, 2012

Interesting Ways to Teach Math to Your Child

Teaching math to children may seem difficult to you. However, finding interesting ways to teach math makes your job easy and successful as well. Adding fun when teaching makes your kid more excited to learn new things.
Visual teaching practices by the use of flashcards, playing cards and even computer games aid a child in learning new math concepts. There are many interactive math learning games that make math fun and easy to kids. Learning math with dice is fun and enjoying. You can make them learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and division by the set of numbers that face up upon rolling the dice. Make them recite multiplication tables often to avoid using calculator for multiplication in future.

Ensure that it does not become a boring activity, sitting at one place. Ask them to tell the tables loud when driving them to school or gathering for a family meal. Also, you can ask them to write tables on colored papers and stick them on their bedroom walls or study room. Get some interesting math workbooks and allow them to practice math from the book so that they remember things.
However, teaching math for toddlers and preschoolers is quite interesting. You can cut cardboards, write numbers on them and let the kids identify them. Also, show the number plate of your vehicle, grocery store aisles, etc. to recognize the numbers. Make them learn counting numbers through interesting shapes of figures, fruits, trees, books, etc. You can even make use of building blocks to teach math to them.
So, whether it is for older kids or preschoolers, a fun way of teaching math helps a lot. You can find your own creative ways to make learning interesting and fun to the child.

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