Monday, January 9, 2012

Know How to Interpret the Results of Saliva Drug Test

Saliva drug test is the easiest of all the drug tests to perform. The test kit is simple, easy to use, light in weight and hence can be carried to any other place to conduct the drug test. Saliva drug testing kits use the sample collected from the oral fluids and hence can find drug or its metabolites present in that fluids. For many drugs which are administered through mouth, this test helps in detecting them. Like in all other home drug test kits, it is easy to read the results from this test as well. However, there are people who are still ignorant about reading the results. Hence, let us know how to interpret the results from a saliva drug test.

In general there are three possible outcomes for any drug test - Positive, Negative and Invalid.
The saliva drug test kit contains two test regions for every drug. One is the Control region denoted by C, and the other is the Test region denoted by T. The results can be interpreted by looking at the test region, however in order to confirm whether the test is conducted properly we need to check the control region.

Positive result: The test becomes positive, when the presence of drug or its metabolites are found in the specimen. It can be read from the test region T. In case of positive result, no colored line appears in the test region T and one colored like appears in the control region C.

Negative Result: Negative result comes when there is no drug found in the provided specimen. It can be displayed in the T region by the presence of one colored line. Also, we can see a colored line in the C region. Hence a negative result is interpreted by finding two lines, one each in both the regions.
Invalid result: Whenever, there is no line in the Control region, C - it shows that the test is invalid. Whatever may be the reason, absence of colored like in the C region irrespective of any lines in the T region indicates invalid test.

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