Many people suffer from low back pain. Many people opt for the acupuncture for low back pain. Apart from taking medications, they go for acupuncture. 80% of the population suffers from chronic back pain.
According to the Chinese, low back pain results because of the disorders in the kidney. According to the Chinese, the back pain is the result of stagnant energy in that area.
The different back pains according to Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) are 1. Deficiency type pain 2. Qi and Blood stagnation 3. Pain due to cold damp obstruction.
The back pain due to deficiency will be because of lack of proper food. If the pain is from long time period then the pain will be dull, and it can get cured by taking rest. This type of back pain can be observed in the people who are middle aged and elderly people. The other type of pain is due to blood stagnation. This pain is much severe and chronic when compared to the previous pain. Because the clotting of the blood stops the energy flow, then in that cases pain will be more. The other type of pain will be due to the cold and damp weather. It is also a severe pain.
Coming to the treatment procedure using acupuncture:
By the use of acupuncture natural healing is done and health can be improved and in turn the harmony and the energy balance can be maintained. Here, the treatment differs from person to person.
As the process will be done with the needles, the needles are kept at the different points like local and distal points. By doing the treatment at the distal points one can get quick relief, as the needles are placed at the points along the back. Coming to the case of local points, sensitive parts are identified and then the needles are inserted. Apart from these treatments even the methods like electric stimulation of points and cupping are also used for treating the back pain using acupuncture. Unless the pain comes down, one has to be frequently treated using acupuncture.
Acute pains can be treated in few sessions when compared to the chronic pains.
According to the Chinese, low back pain results because of the disorders in the kidney. According to the Chinese, the back pain is the result of stagnant energy in that area.
The different back pains according to Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) are 1. Deficiency type pain 2. Qi and Blood stagnation 3. Pain due to cold damp obstruction.
The back pain due to deficiency will be because of lack of proper food. If the pain is from long time period then the pain will be dull, and it can get cured by taking rest. This type of back pain can be observed in the people who are middle aged and elderly people. The other type of pain is due to blood stagnation. This pain is much severe and chronic when compared to the previous pain. Because the clotting of the blood stops the energy flow, then in that cases pain will be more. The other type of pain will be due to the cold and damp weather. It is also a severe pain.
Coming to the treatment procedure using acupuncture:
By the use of acupuncture natural healing is done and health can be improved and in turn the harmony and the energy balance can be maintained. Here, the treatment differs from person to person.
As the process will be done with the needles, the needles are kept at the different points like local and distal points. By doing the treatment at the distal points one can get quick relief, as the needles are placed at the points along the back. Coming to the case of local points, sensitive parts are identified and then the needles are inserted. Apart from these treatments even the methods like electric stimulation of points and cupping are also used for treating the back pain using acupuncture. Unless the pain comes down, one has to be frequently treated using acupuncture.
Acute pains can be treated in few sessions when compared to the chronic pains.
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