Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Be Aware of Phishing messages

Phishing is a online scam and it is used to reveal the consumers' personal information like credit-card account numbers and bank account passwords and social security numbers. Unsuspecting users are targeted by phishers with fake internet sites or email messages which look like real thing. This is also called as spoofing. Social networking sites may be leveraged by scammers, where users are habituated to share the personals information with others.

Massive number of emails are sent by identity thieves to internet users in which users are asked to update the information for their banks, credit-cards, online payment service or popular shopping sites. That email shows that your account information had expired, if the users send the information then it will be comprised. Sometimes, the consumer is asked by the email to download and submit an electronic form. After receiving phone or e-mail messages, 8 percent of respondents provided personal information, it was found by The National Research Center of Consumer Reports magazine.

Do remember that sensitive information is not asked by legitimate businesses via email. And don't click on suspicious emails. Before disclosing any information, always you should make a call to verify account status before you reveal your information to retailers or financial institutions.

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