Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Know About Concrete Floor Repair

You can maintain the appearance of your basement or garage floor by learning how to complete concrete floor. According to overall condition of the floor, the exact repair depends. After completion of repairs you can apply high quality garage floor paint or other appropriate finish. If you do like this, the surface of the floor can be protected.

Patching the hole:
    Dallas countertops
  • First remove any lose material around the hole by using a cold chisel on a drill. You have to make the bottom slightly larger surface opening, do this up to 15-20 degrees. After this you can apply the concrete to the hole with an old paint brush. Then hole can be patched by using vinyl reinforced patching compound and a metal trowel. Make each layer one fourth of an inch thick and it should dry for at least 30 minutes then you can apply next one.
  • You should make the final layer smooth with the metal trowel. This is best to build up the layer and this is something higher than the surrounding concrete floor.
Repairing crack:
There are some steps to repair a crack, those similar to steps to patch the hole. If the crack is large then first you must complete preliminary work.
  • You can begin to remove any lose concrete with a wire brush.
  • You can use a chisel to make reverse angle cuts to make the bottom of the crack wider than crack opening.
  • You can apply bonding adhesive to the interior of the crack and apply on the side of the crack.
  • You can fill the large or deep crack with sand, leave 1-1/2 inches of the crack to fill with concrete.
  • Trowel can be used to fill the crack with vinyl reinforced patching compound.
In this you can patch the hole or repair the crack on your concrete floor. It is an easy process.

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