Saturday, March 31, 2012

What are the Essential Vitamins Required for Kids?

Vitamins are essential nutrient substances that are required for your body in very smaller amounts for normal growth, metabolism, developing and physical well-being. Each vitamin has its own functionality which helps your body. So these vitamins are present in the foods which are obtained from plants and animals. Eating a balanced and varied diet can get most of the vitamins to the body and some vitamins are not. So proper eating of balanced diet is necessary. When it comes to kids, they won't eat some food items which causes deficiency of vitamins in their body which results in health problems. Following are some of the vitamins which are essential for the kids to prevent health problems.

There are two types of vitamins. Water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins like Vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 and folic acid are easily absorbed and secreted in urine.

Fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, K are also taken necessary and these are stored in the tissues and liver of the body in the type of fat and are preserved for some days.

Certain food items like egg, dark orange item foods, dark green item foods, milk, carrots, soy beans, dairy products like cheese and yoghurt, fresh protein food items like meat and chicken, whole grains like oatmeal and brown rice etc. promote tissue and bone repair and healthy skin, eyes, and immune responses, metabolism, energy production, and healthy circulatory and nervous systems, build strong bones etc.

So give your kids all the food items in terms of raw, cooked or juices, so that your kid will have a great health and nutritional values.

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