Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tips For Storage Of Wine

Wine consists of living organisms, so any serious changes in temperature can easily change their quality considerably.
  • The cellar should be dry.
  • It is essential to keep every bottle or group of bottles in a position that can be easily accessible without moving or disturbing other bottles. The wine, once collected, should not be disturbed as far as possible before it is drunk.
  • The bottle should always be kept on its side. But in the case of Port-bottles, the splash-mark must always be stored or moved in uppermost direction. Sparkling wines easily become flat if they are stored on end.
  • If cellar is not available, then care should be taken to store one's immediate stock in a place, which is dry, where they are not subjected to many vibrations (like a cupboard under a much-used light staircase), and not close to any heating apparatus. Wine should never be kept in strong light.
These tips are useful for the storage of wine properly and to protect wine from loss of color, taste and odor.

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